I don't trust you people. August is evil hot.
It is now August. The temperature at this moment, according to yahoo, is 62 degrees farenheit. It's actually sunny and lovelyh and breezy outside right now, and late August may warm up a bit more as we slide into the Bay Area's amazing Indian summer, but I wear leather at night all the time in the summer in SF. And it's actually chillier at night without the fog, since there's no marine layer to hold the heat in.
Bring a jacket. This is NorCal.
So jealous. It's supposed to be 105 or something here today. ugh. But you can't really fry an egg on the sidewalk cause they had somebody on the news try and fail.(Lame, huh?)
It is cooler this week than it was last week due to the daily thunderstorms. Next 5 days per weather report:
Friday: 88°/76° T-storms
Saturday: 89°/76° T-storms
Sunday: 88°/76° T-storms
Monday: 88°/78° T-storms
Tuesday: 89°/77° Chance of T-storms
I'm thinking I will have to pack thermal underwear and a ski suit.
So, you're saying I should bring, like, socks, to SF? And a jacket? Real clothes, instead of just surviving through the August swelter minimal decent covering? Cool! And Kewl!
Yes indeed. I'm actually hoping for a not-foggy, not-windy day for the BBQ, but I aint pinning my hopes on anything. Our weather is odd, to say the least.
But you can't really fry an egg on the sidewalk cause they had somebody on the news try and fail.
On your typical gray cement sidewalk, you probably won't fry an egg just because of the properties of the sidewalk.
They should try it on asphalt or on the hood of a black car that's been sitting out all day. Either of those will more likely shed enough heat just off their surface to possibly cook the egg.
I can't believe anyone did that anyway, Sean. Whether it would work or not.
On your typical gray cement sidewalk, you probably won't fry an egg just because of the properties of the sidewalk.
Plus, wouldn't it ooze into the cracks and such?
I can't believe I just typed that. Ewww.
Where's your sense of scientific curiosity???
Or at least your desire to egg someone's car???
This is making me hungry, I think I want a fried egg.