Regarding the shirt, I wish it said DC on it somewhere -- maybe DCF2F, instead of just F2F? And I'm not crazy about the faux perspective thing. It seems kind of off and it makes me dizzy. Sorry to be so blunt.
Love the back: Simple. Funny. To the point.
Jess, do you want a copy of the actual logo for the front?
I like the design. My only suggestion (apart from the logo) is to think about doing the back in title case.
Oh, yeah -- including "DC" somewhere on the shirt would be good.
Jess, do you want a copy of the actual logo for the front?
Thanks, I have a few different versions already. I did realize, belatedly, that I hadn't put in the extended 'f' yet. But I'll fix it, I swear!
Including DC is no problem.
Everything Jon said about the shirt. I'd be proud to wear "Lekking for a good time."
Are you planning on doing just shirts at CafePress, or other things also? Good idea to help deFray costs.
I'd rather one saying "Lekking for love in all the wrong places". Though I wouldn't buy a t-shirt anyway, so feel free to ignore.
Love the shirt! Looks great!
Enough to use three exclamation points in one post!
What about "I still haven't found what I'm lekking for" ??
So, according to the poll, there were other people looking for roomies for the F2F. I figure, if booking time is upon us, I should actually, you know, find one.
Anyone interested in sharing a room with a female non-smoker (and by "share a room" I do not mean porn) (Well, at least probably not) (No, really, I'm very nice) (By which I also do not mean porn)