Signing off from base station Buffista-DC.
Debet, any time you're ready to head out, I'll be down in the lobby.
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: New Orleans! May 20-22, 2005!
Signing off from base station Buffista-DC.
Debet, any time you're ready to head out, I'll be down in the lobby.
Joining in on the so many people, so little time to talk to them.
First preliminary notes for next year:
Arrange for kittysitting for the weekend.
Bring camera. Commit photography.
May I just say how much I enjoyed meeting all of the spouses? No? WELL, I'M SAYING IT ANYWAY. All were great, Buffistas have wonderful taste, if for no other reason than the spouses were all good sports. And it was so cute when Brendon tried not to look at my boobs. As if it was possible!
I stayed up late last night gabbing with Deb, and didn't get online until now, so I haven't had a chance to upload any pictures yet. I haven't even had the chance to LOOK at any pictures yet -- I have six other browser windows open, all F2F pictures, waiting to be ogled.
I miss everyone, too.
Jess, I still haven't paid you back for my half of the hotel room. What address should I paypal it to?
Jessica! I miss you too. Did you find your parents at Union Station!
Strangely, this turned out to be a pretty good picture of me. Java Cat was masterful with the camera, let me tell you.
Jess, I still haven't paid you back for my half of the hotel room. What address should I paypal it to?
Use my profile address, please.
I did, SA! And you, obviously, made it to your flight on time.
The pictures are so wonderful. I want more, more!
I know, they're so great. I'm tempted to go back and cap mine. But that would be effort.
Use my profile address, please.
OK, done. (How did people ever function without paypal? This is so much easier than finding my checkbook and a pen and an envelope and a stamp and writing a check.)
Want more pictures! Want Buffistas back! How long 'til the next F2F?
Erk. SA, how did you link directly to one of Drew's pictures? I keep trying to, and it's not working.