Back home now. Glad your travels worked today, SA.
Such fun meeting so many buffistas -- lovely, gracious bunch.
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: New Orleans! May 20-22, 2005!
Back home now. Glad your travels worked today, SA.
Such fun meeting so many buffistas -- lovely, gracious bunch.
Y'know, if he actually *took* the vicodin, *he'd* be finding everything funny and therefore healing himself with laughter.
I like that angle.
Get off work, go home, feed the cats, take the Metro downtown, find Buffistas (randomly in the Metro, no less), stand in an extremely crowded karaoke bar somewhere in Crystal City, go home, sleep, wake up, forget to feed cats, drive downtown (getting stuck in traffic all the way), hang out in a hotel penthouse knitting and talking with Buffistas, marvel at the glittering galaxy of glam which is the Prom, go home, get chewed on by angry cats, sleep, wake up, step out of air conditioned bedroom and curse DC weather for the umpteenth time, drive downtown again and learn that not only do Buffistas knit, they also spin their own yarn on amazing travelling spinning wheels, go home, shop for groceries, get Bil fed before he goes off to work and pretend it's just an ordinary Sunday.
I have no idea what I'm going to say tomorrow if anyone asks what I did this weekend. If it's not Nascar, soccer or beer, they don't much care.
Back home now. Glad your travels worked today, SA.
It was all thanks to you. I appreciate it so much; I probably would have been standing around going "Wuh?" if you didn't help me get around. So thank you, so much, Jen.
Y'know, if he actually *took* the vicodin, *he'd* be finding everything funny and therefore healing himself with laughter.
We should tell him this.
I skipped to the end because, somehow, in a hotel full of Buffistas I didn't manage to get online until right now. You'd think with all the room changes I made that I would have managed to snags someone's computer.
Right now I'm at Anne's with Beverly and Kate P. We got in, tired and laden with luggage and in desperate need of a sherpa when Jeeves tried to make his escape. Only the quick thinking of Bev (who made a one handed grap/hold) kept him from an afterdark cicada killing excursion.l
First-- Teppy danced with Scola--I'm so JEALOUS!!!
Next--MY GOD are the buffistas foamy!! And Pandalicous!!! I haven't seen the pictures but hopefully someone will post Trudy and I all decked out in our panda gear. In front of a Panda.
Also---This was my first F2F and I've wanted to go since Chicago and I don't live near most of you so I crammed in over Three YEARS of Buffistas time in one Prom. I tried to get as much enjoyment out of every minute and that kind of backfired last night.
My biggest regret of the weekend is standing at the naked mole rat exhibit in the zoo trip with billytea and NOT Getting a picture of him there.
Considering my weekend that says something about me. Of course if you were AT the Prom I probably told you that or someone you were standing near. Repeatedly and emphatically.
There will be more. I am interested in seeing what everyone has to say about the night.
I haven't always been active on the board or maybe said as much to people as I wanted to.. but y'all are amazing. The kindness of Buffistas is a beautiful thing.
Even when you've just met and your hockey team beat theirs.
Now I must go and see pictures.
edited to add missing words so I make sense.
F2F was lots of fun. Now I miss everyone.
Great pictures. (It seems like there are a lot more pictures of my hair than pictures of my face, but that's probably partly because I have a tendency to turn away when I notice a camera. My hair looks better in photos than my face does, anyway.) I'll have my pictures up within a few days.
Buffistas are all very foamy.
I had SUCH a good time. Buffistas are very foamy. And lots of people mentioned my boobs. Of course, they were a little hard to miss. I have tons of pics, I will upload and post tomorrow, as the USB port on Giles (home computer) is cranky, and does not work. Must get that fixed.
I wanted to post again and say witty things and list the highlights of my experience, but my meds are kicking in and instead of being witty or sticking to highlights it will look like I'm drunk---
so what makes tonight different from last night?
JOHN SWEDEN - I have your memory book from the Hosp. Suite. I wasn't sure when they were going to clean, and it seemed like the only thing that couldn't be replaced. I'll get it to you tomorrow.
I have glitter everywhere.
This was the most fun I've had in a long time, especially Saturday evening, from Jaleo (best meal I've ever had, seriously) onwards to the Prom and post-Prom hanging out. Thanks to everyone who has posted pictures; I miss y'all already. Fortunately, I'm staying at Anne's place tonight, so it's not quite over for me yet.
(Also jealous that Teppy got to dance with Tom.)
Can we do this again next weekend?