Jen, it still hasn't shown up, but that's par for the course when I use earthlink's webmail client. Try my work email: maria (dot) neve (at) gm (dot) com.
I still can't help having the "Oh god they think I'm actually kind of cool and what if I don't seem that way in person and they all know each other and I don't know anyone and what if they all take one look at my boa and think its made of sub-standard feathers and talk behind my back about how it would be best if me and my boa slunk back to my hotel room and stayed where people are not" kind of fear.
This is me. Well, with the exception of the boa and slinking back to the hotel room. I'd have to slink all the way back to MD.
Maria, see my note to Kristin.
Don't make me come spank you into going when you're
so very close.
Not hiding my bitter very well, am I?
12:26 local time -- I'm at the hotel typing from the business centre, trying to figure out what the best way to connect up with the group. Is there a restaurant that people are/will be at for a while?
Don't make me come spank you into going when you're so very close.
Teppy, can Astarte's new name be Mistress Spanksalot?
Sent to work e-mail, Maria.
I have decided to repress my nervousness. Repression is usually my plan of choice, and it works so well.
John, A bunch of people left for the afternoon, but others are coming for lunch at some point.
Too late!
Ah, but I am not in my room, I am in someone else's.