Not sure how bar-bound I will be on Friday night, but I am bringing Return of the King and if there is interest in hanging in the hospitality suite while most folks are off galavanting, then we can arrange a time to meet back there and have snakies and what not.
Just a suggestion. I know there are several of you who are playing pool/karaoke/hate Tolkein. I just know that I might not be up to it all night and a few others have mentioned as well.
Also, should I go ahead and pack my copy of OMWF?
Vortex, were you sending the phone list to everyone? If so, I didn't get it.
Aimee? Come to Bitches and gaze at my pretty pink shoes a sec.
I didn't get the list yet either.
I got both lists. Will probably not pack a swimsuit, since I'm not staying at the hotel.
There are people who don't make packing lists? How do they know what to pack?
Because I have to pack so often I can do it in my sleep, and in under 15 minutes.
Also, there were cicadas flying outside my office window today, but they were having trouble and I'm only on the 4th floor, so the penthouse should be safe.
(I squished a cicada in my car door today; I still feel all ooky)
It's hot and sticky here, peeps; it doesn't really cool off at night, and during the day you sweat slowly and continuously like an aged cheese. Those ricepaper face blotters are crucial.
Aimee, I may take you up on ROTK; I suspect exhaustion will be setting in by Friday night.
Teppy, I'll hang out with you on Sunday. I'm sure we can scrape together some localistas and get in a couple more touristy things. Or just go out for pancakes.
I'll be around all day Sunday too, FWIW. I know I'm staying at the hotel Saturday night and with Anne on Sunday night, so my only concrete plan for Sunday is to somehow get back to Anne's at some point.
t off to make my packing list
I was going to ask about a pool. Excellent.
My packing spreadsheet is extensive with categories for going to relatives where I don't bother to bring toiletries, camping, with kids, without. I love my packing list.
No email here yet either Vortex. We must be the B list.