I'm amused by the fact that amyth's name and info and not mine has made it onto everything despite the fact that she hasn't posted here or been reading the thread and that I've been funneling all info to her.
Steph, real name is Sarah, as you know, and I'll answer to Sarah or
Vortex, did you really not get my info? I sent mine and amyth's at the same time, and then she sent hers again separately. Off to see if I saved a copy of that email...
Vortex, insent to aol addy. Please ping me back to confirm receipt.
I want to check with Katefate to see what route she's taking, so I can tell you a good place to meet.
Steph, I'll be taking I-74 in from the west. Any suggestions for an easily identifiable place to meet are greatly appreciated! And a place where one can idle in a car without standing out, in case one of us needs to wait for the other. It would be memorable, but not to fun to be arrested for vagrancy on the way to the F2F...
And Kate, is one o'clock okay? I could possibly be there earlier, but I have a bunch of errands to run before I can leave. (For eight months. jesus.)
Steph, I'll be taking I-74 in from the west. Any suggestions for an easily identifiable place to meet are greatly appreciated!
Hmm. I seriously think I might have you meet at a sports bar that's just across the river in Northern KY. Because it's right off I-75, visible from I-75, and not a scary rest stop or anything.
Let me think about this for a little bit more, and I'll e-mail you both when I'm definite.
(If my flight had been later, or you two were meeting earlier, I would have had you meet at my apartment. Alas, it was not to be.)
SA, whenever you can get there works for me. Steph, seriously, a good place to meet is a godsend. Bless you.
ATTENTION anybody without housing plans for the weekend:
Brenda M. and I would welcome a third roomie - would make a reasonable hotel rate downright affordable. Contact me at profile addy if interested.
t still giggling at Ginger's dream
Just cause MM will get picky - it's spelled Miracleman. One word. Real name Joe, which he'll bitch about, but it on his name tage anyway. :)
And maybe Empress on mine.
**smooches to Steph**
**double smooches to Steph**
In about 36 hours, I will be at the airport waiting for my flight. I will probably be in the Red carpet club, having a drink, just to start things off on the right foot.
Plus, I just got my laptop back, after it was in the shop for way too long, and all of my music is still in itunes, and all of my vids and downloads are still there, so I don't have to frantically try to reinstall them all tonight.