Let me check at Office Depot (or Office Max, or Boy Do We Have Office Supplies! -- whatever it's called) to see if they have packs of fewer than 50 nametags. I'm really not cheap, I swear -- just broke. Plus, I really don't want 40 leftover unused nametags.
ION, I now have fishnet tights. I am ready.
So currently the main music mix for the F2F is sitting at 198 songs. That's 13 hours of music. I'm still trying to pare it down. Anyone think we can just party until the music runs out?
That's a shame, I'd just remembered we should also have
Would you...?
by Touch and Go. If you want to make it 199.
My name wasn't on the list of 49 that was posted, but I sent my info
to Vortex.
In other news, I found a dress. Not quite what I was hoping to find, but
I think it'll do. (It's black. When in doubt, go with basic black). It was very
hard to find a dress that wasn't the wrong color or too long or flowery.
(I'm not a flowery dress kinda person) As a backup I'll bring the Red Hot
Riding Hood dress.
I don't have my music library with me, but I'll check when I get home and see if I can add that to the list BT.
YEch! Whatever I wear to the F2F will have closed-toe shoes. I made the mistake of going out into Cicada Hell with sandals on just now.
So you're saying that I shouldn't plan on wearing my Tevas?
That's entirely up to you, ND. I was squicked by moist, hard things buzzing and vibrating between my toes...
oh god, I can't believe I'm writing cicada porn.
oh god, I can't believe I'm writing cicada porn.
Yeah, I'd like to request some Kissinger slash to clear this image please.
only total up to 49. And Java has 61. What's up with the discrepancy?
Java counted spouses/partners,etc. separately.