Also, okay, I have to admit to a financial issue. The nametags came in boxes of 50. So I bought one. If we have more than 50, it looks like it'll be only a few more than 50. And honestly, I can't just drop another $20-plus for maybe 5-10 nametags out of a box of 50.
I guess what I'm asking is, how final is our head count? And, well, what do I do on the extra nametags? I don't want to shaft people (I'll forgo my own nametag -- everyone seems to know who I am immediately, anyway), but I also don't feel real good at the idea of spending another $20-plus for a few more nametags.
But, like I said above, Vortex's head count is 49-ish. So....?
I'll use the one from last year, if it helps.
I think that's because Vortex's count doesn't double-count to take couples into consideration-- for example, Reema isn't listed, even though she will be coming. But Java counts for both of us:
50. Rebecca Lizard & Reema 51. Rebecca Lizard & Reema
I think the answer is, hm, I don't know. How about we just make the most distinctive people not get nametags? (Joke, joke.)
I will make and bring my own nametag, if necessary!
It will have sparkles.
Tep--I'd gladly kick in $20 to help offset the nametag price.
So currently the main music mix for the F2F is sitting at 198 songs. That's 13 hours of music. I'm still trying to pare it down. Anyone think we can just party until the music runs out?
Tep, I can just use my nametag from last year, if it helps.
And I remember to bring it.
I had previously been cautiously optimistic about my ability to deal with the cicadas, but the email from Lee's (?) relative finally pinged me. I think it was the sheer numbers.
I will be spending most of the weekend cowering indoors, twitching in the corner, with Jess. Thankyouverymuch.
Oh god, I just got in from my morning one, and the cicada carnage is horrible.
a bit crunchy out there, Raquel. I've noticed it's worse in the early morning though. Also, it won't be quite as bad in the city proper, I think due to the high concrete-to-dirt ratio.
BTW, your al-Cicada remark upthread nearly caused orange juice to go out my nose. I'll have to remember that one.
So I got my ticket from DC to Chicago--who do I send my flight info to? And, er, who do I ask about rides to the airport?