If Fred and hubs want to do it, just let me know and that can be arranged too.
I spoke to Lisa Lee earlier. She didn't ask for a credit card number. But because of the number of liquors requested, she asked me to e-mail her the list. Which I'll do from home tonight.
Yeah, I didn't realize that there would be more paperwork, but more contracts have to be signed, apparently, for the food and bev. Lisa's in today, off Mon. and Tues., in Wed - X. She's probably on a Wed. - Sun. schedule.
Back to work, I'll be back to check around 5PM CA time, then again about 8 PM, and once I sign off from that, I'm gone! I'm arriving in DC on Monday. A DC biz assoc. has said I can come by and use one of their office computers to check email/the board, so I'll try to do that. I'm at Raquel's on Mon. night, then camping until Fri., when I'll be going to the hotel. Call my cell during the week if anyone wants to coordinatte museum going or meet for lunch, dinner or a play. later.
Vortex, I did try to send you info once, but I guess I need to try again, so insent shortly.
Cicada update from my sister:
Subject line: They're here!
The cicadas, that is. After 17 years of sleeping, "Brood X" has arrived in the Washington DC area.
Last Tuesday night before dinner, [BIL and nieces] went out into our
front yard looking for signs of cicadas. They found 4 or 5 of the
exoskeletons (the beige shells that the cicadas shed when they first come
above ground) and not much more. The next morning, Wednesday, there were
literally hundreds of exoskeletons all over our front yard and some maturing
cicadas to boot.
For those of you who haven't heard, we are in the beginning of an influx of
periodic cicadas; bugs that come above ground once every 17 years, shed
their skins, buzz around, mate, bury their eggs and die. They are meant to
be around for five to eight weeks total.
The biggest shocker about these red-eyed bugs is their numbers: they say
that at the peak there will be about 1.5 million cicadas per square acre.
One newspaper article estimated that it will require each Washingtonian to
kill about 8,000 cicadas per hour just to keep them at bay.
As of yet, the cicadas aren't old enough to really start making the noise
for which they are infamous, but apparently in the next week or so we are
meant to begin hearing the "wall of noise" that is a result of the constant
buzzing of the males in their attempts to woo the females.
As for [the nieces], they are into the bugs - so far. Oldest Niece picks them
up and holds them and lets them crawl up her arms. This morning, however,
as we were on our morning "cicada safari" (not to be confused with our
afternoon "cicada safari" or our post-dinner "cicada safari") the big ones
were flying around a bit more and they both became a little more
intimidated. I suspect, however, they will get used to it.
Well, at least we won't have to worry about keeping the noise levels down, if the cicadas are going to be keeping everyone in the hotel up anyway.
No wonder the campground I called to ask about reservations was so excited about the idea of my making reservations? It's probably it's just me but I kind of like the idea of camping in the middle of an unusual cicada event. It seems like getting to see a particularly awesome meteor shower or something. Course, talk to me next week ::grin:: I think I'll take earplugs, just in case.
One newspaper article estimated that it will require each Washingtonian to kill about 8,000 cicadas per hour just to keep them at bay.
Analysis: cicadas will be unbayed.
I have no name. I am nameless.
Teppy, could you name Ginger "Mary Anne"?
Teppy, could you name Ginger "Mary Anne"?
Yes, this.
Yay! I just talked to the airlines, and I am now confirmed for a upgrade to first class on both flights, even the red eye on the way there, for which I thought I was still on the waiting list.
::jealous:: I've never flown Jet Blue before. I should spend the entire time figuring out how to use my cell phone. I'll probably read or watch tv instead.
I came back, a co worker just told me about a place that sounds like fun: Local 16, a bar/lunch place that has good food and a nice roof deck. It's really nice in early evening, she said. Also rec'd: Mezze and Rice. Local 16 & Mezze in Adams Morgan, IIRC, and Rice around R/Q. .
I haven't received any e-mail from you at all. Please to re-send?