Ha! I am in possession of the One True Katherin/e/yn/arine/etc. nickname! Go me.
ETA: Ironically, the only people who ever call me Kate are my parents and my oldest friend. Possibly were I ever to meet Kate P. we would destroy each other in some anti-Kate explosion.
Oh, no problem. I usually figure people have confused me with Katie M, but I thought I'd point it out.
Dude, I am the Anti-Kate! Or possibly the Anti-Katie!
I can't resist trying for 3-Katies-in-a-row here. My in-laws call me Kate, and lots of people call me Kathy, but they are silly.
I just realised I hadn't ordered my f2f tshirt!
runs off to cafepress
I've gotten payments from 32 people at last count, so we're half way there!
I got mine! It's sooo purty! I plan on wearing it for the ride down, geek that I am.
I've been slightly thwarted, I couldn't find the link to the tshirts. Can someone help me out?
askye: link to dc f2f wear here
I'll have to send my payment out to you tomorrow Drew, as I stoopidly forgot to bring checks to work with me today.