Also, I should probably square away how I'm getting to your place when I get into town next week.
Email me your flight info and I'll pick you up.
Have we started to work out pickup/drop-off schedules? I know someone was coordinating this, have most folks been taken care of so far?
Vortex was compiling the list.
(waves to meara) Thanks for having us over!
Email me your flight info and I'll pick you up.
Wow, cool. Thanks! As soon as I'm home I'll forward to info to you.
So now it's looking like I DON'T have to go to Philly as they appear to have rescheduled the meeting for the Tuesday I get back. Just as well.
PayPal insent, ND. Sorry I'm slow, my Kzoo trip had me busy until last night.
Thanks JS, just got the email. No worries on the timing, things are hitting the account just fine.
"Baby, I Love Your Way," and "Don't Leave Me This Way."
Which versions? (I vote for the Communards for the latter.)
Frampton for the former, and, while I do like the Communards' version of the latter, I gotta go with Thelma Houston.
I can't help the Frampton-love. I'm a great big cheeseball for "Baby, I Love Your Way."
ND, have you gotten any of my payments? Paypal is misbehaving for me, without indicating if it got sent or not. So you might be paid three or four times....
What email would it have come from Theodosia?
fauxpaws @ comcast dot net