Mal: Hell, this job I would pull for free. Zoe: Can I have your share? Mal: No. Zoe: If you die, can I have your share? Mal: Yes.

'The Train Job'

F2F 2: Is there anybody here that hasn't slept together?  

Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: New Orleans! May 20-22, 2005!

meara - May 07, 2004 2:52:28 pm PDT #1598 of 9999

Oh, and were people still into the idea of Friday night karaoke? Cause I can make that the suburban gay tiki karaoke bar!! (No, really! It's fun!). Heh. TWOP has previously taken over the place, so they're used to crazy folk...

deborah grabien - May 07, 2004 3:50:35 pm PDT #1599 of 9999
It really doesn't matter. It's just an opinion. Don't worry about it. Not worth the hassle.

I'm still less about the karaoke and more about the shooting nine-ball and watching darts players, but that's just me.

NoiseDesign - May 07, 2004 3:52:18 pm PDT #1600 of 9999
Our wings are not tired

Both ideas have great appeal for me. I totally want to throw darts, but I also want to sing in a kilt.

meara - May 07, 2004 7:27:26 pm PDT #1601 of 9999

There's a sportspub on the same block that has pool and darts. Though it's not all british-pub-panelling-nine-ball and such. I'm sure there are better places for it. But that would be convenient.

Pix - May 07, 2004 7:30:03 pm PDT #1602 of 9999
We're all getting played with, babe. -Weird Barbie

ND- insent via Paypal

Please let me know if it doesn't go through.

NoiseDesign - May 07, 2004 7:37:05 pm PDT #1603 of 9999
Our wings are not tired

Kristin, it was received and has been logged. So far I've received around $200 in payments for Prom.

Beverly - May 08, 2004 3:48:22 am PDT #1604 of 9999
Days shrink and grow cold, sunlight through leaves is my song. Winter is long.

ND, insent asking for your snailmail address shortly.

deborah grabien - May 08, 2004 7:09:00 am PDT #1605 of 9999
It really doesn't matter. It's just an opinion. Don't worry about it. Not worth the hassle.

meara, sounds good. Olde Worlde panelling not needed; I just want the company, a regulation table, and a cue.

Steph L. - May 08, 2004 7:17:43 am PDT #1606 of 9999
I look more rad than Lutheranism

I'd much rather do the darts/pool thing than karaoke, in part because karaoke is kind of like going to a movie -- you can't really mingle and talk when someone is belting out "It's Raining Men."

Lee - May 08, 2004 7:22:04 am PDT #1607 of 9999
The feeling you get when your brain finally lets your heart get in its pants.

VW and Lyra Jane, insent to your profile addresses.