Would it have taken people out of the scene had it been a stunt with a real elephant and not CGI?
Far less so, for me.
I still have a fairly uncritical "this is so cool" love for the whole scene, whether I was in the movie at a given moment or not.
Doyle ,'Life of the Party'
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Would it have taken people out of the scene had it been a stunt with a real elephant and not CGI?
Far less so, for me.
I still have a fairly uncritical "this is so cool" love for the whole scene, whether I was in the movie at a given moment or not.
I'm such a CGI goober. It wasn't until the TTT features that I realised that if the wargs were bits and bytes, the riders? Not so real. And that something like that would apply to the long shots (and some of the close ones, I bet) of the Oliphaunts. And was it capitalised in the book? Is that why I'm annoying myself?
A nice thing about CGI beasties is that they can kill horses willy nilly. I like that.
Ok, smartass man. If they did a scale type thing. Trick photography or something.
t glower at Hec
I'm such a CGI goober.
Heh. That's how I'm going to think of you now.
I'm such a CGI goober.
Heh. That's how I'm going to think of you now.
ita's a peanut made of pixels? And yet, still impressive.
ita's a peanut made of pixels?
Correction: She's a pixel peanut that can kill you with her finger. Or possibly her shell.
Would it have taken people out of the scene had it been a stunt with a real elephant and not CGI?
The CGI Legolas was more distracting than the CGI Oliphaunt. (Since there weren't flesh&blood Oliphaunts to compare them to, they didn't look like effects to me. But CGI Legolas looked fake fake fake. )
Jess, exactly. I kept thinking "Spider-Man!!!"
Hell, every time someone peers over the side of castle I think, "We've already got one!"
Not RotK, but did anyone else who saw Master and Commander have problems keeping a straight face when the French ship was ordering the Surprise to prepare to be boarded? I kept thinking "Oh my dog, that's John Cleese" and kept waiting for "your mother was a hamster and your father smells of eldeberries, etc.".
I can see it from your side too, Ita. And to be fair, at my showing Gimli's 'Certain death, no chance of success, what are we waiting for?' got one of two applause moments in the movie, I just miss seeing my favorite character kick the bad guy's arses up 'round their ears.
Steph, I had a python moment or two there as well. I managed quite well too restrain myself from yelling out 'Pitchez la vache!'
Davids, exactly, and with light cavalry at that. harassing would definitely have been the way to go. It would even have still been very interesting visually, big aerial pans of the Rohirrim doing all those formation changes on the fly, big circular slashing attacks (and not in a three hobbits bouncing around on the bed way).
My thing with Legolas is that I look at the fight stuctures in movies a bit from a Pro Wrestling standpoint. And psychology wise, Legolas is crap. He's like Rob Van Dam, doing all these big flashy suspension of disbelief ruining spots with no logic supporting them.