Very good article. I was hoping it'd be longer.
Kaylee ,'Shindig'
LotR - The Return of the King: "We named the *dog* 'Strider'".
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Hee! Funny cartoon.
WOOT - I'm going to see it again tonight. (This will by my second time.) Then once more on Wed. and I'll be done until it's DVD time. I need to get all my tears out tonight because I must.not.cry.about.a.
'suela is me, and I am 'suela.
The male geek factor was present from the first installment, "The Fellowship of the Ring," which New Line Cinema promoted heavily online to reach that audience. Online promotion is still a big part of the marketing strategy, as countless "Rings" Web sites help sustain the true fanatics.
Now this is of course not the craziest bit in this article but - what? Only men go online?
I don't understand how anyone could find those movies soulless. I think they capture all the best parts of the trilogy (in spirit if not in plot) and leave out all the political/linguistic/historical stuff that makes it hard for many people to get through.
And about the aforementioned book: I bought it for Kenny last night, then sat down and read the whole thing myself. Shhhh, don't tell him.
Anne, absolutely you may tag. (I've been tagged! Hee! Even if I get what Micole said about it *feeling* like WWI).
Someone posted a "Lost Jewelry" notice on the BB at work today, and the next 20 response were things like "My precious...." and "Hang on to it, my nine servants will be by to collect it shortly."
Someone posted a "Lost Jewelry" notice on the BB at work today, and the next 20 response were things like "My precious...." and "Hang on to it, my nine servants will be by to collect it shortly."
Another story of unbridled geekery:
Walking to the deli to get a soda this afternoon I went past a frame shop that had the most mesmerizing maps up in the window. These metallic/gold 3-D rendered HUGE maps of Rohan, Gondor, the Shire, etc. A woman stopped and looked into the window with me and then turned and said. "Did you ever think you would contemplate buying a metallic 3-D poster before these movies came out?"
FTR - I went in to ask how much the Shire one was, but thankfully for my apartment, they were sold out and the owner didn't want to part with the displays.
LotR is taking over the world! Wheee!
These metallic/gold 3-D rendered HUGE maps of Rohan, Gondor, the Shire, etc.
I think I'd prefer something like this over a movie poster for my place. BTW, did you notice the family tree in the study at Bag End? It looked very neat--drawn like an actual tree, but it obviously had names in place of leaves.
Just so happens Kathy - that you can buy one in the same style (gold, 3-D) of all of Middle Earth right here.
But I can't find the individual Rohan, Gondor, etc. ones online.
Not that I'm frantically looking now or anything.