Cereal to add--
Beathen, Billy and Dom talk about that in the commentary--apparently, PJ and the writers decided to go with a more vulnerable farewell scene. It was filmed during the pickups that last summer.
Jayne ,'Out Of Gas'
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Cereal to add--
Beathen, Billy and Dom talk about that in the commentary--apparently, PJ and the writers decided to go with a more vulnerable farewell scene. It was filmed during the pickups that last summer.
I can't wait to get my own copy (Christmas) and sit and listen to all the commentaries. Sometimes they make the movie MORE enjoyable!
although he still is whining a bit about being "so fat"
Have you read his autobiography? There is some good stuff in there, but it's mostly about his selfishness and "poor me, I'm ONLY getting $250,000 for a year and a half of work. I'm so fat and it affects my confidence. Mememememe..." Boo. Fucking. Hoo. Trying living on barely $30,000 a year - THEN you can complain.
PJ and the writers decided to go with a more vulnerable farewell scene.
The scene in the previews seemed more vulnerable to me because you could see the tears in Merry & Pippin's eyes.
One thing I'd forgotten was how hot Frodo looks as he gives in to the Ring. Great, I've got an evil Hobbit kink.
Great, I've got an evil Hobbit kink.
psst! Connie's a pervy Hobbit fancier, pass it on.
Oh, all right, fair cop. Just because I really enjoy that scene where Frodo's lying there tied up and shirtless. Poor skinny boy. Needs somebody to feed him. Though Sam would kill me if I tried anything.
One thing I'd forgotten was how hot Frodo looks as he gives in to the Ring.
You're not the only one who thinks this!
Finally seen it. Here's how I think the characters fared:
There seemed to be a lot of recutting. I will need to watch the theatrical to see, but it felt like some things happened later in the EE. Perhaps merely because we'd been sitting there for hours. Perhaps reordering. Things like putting finding Merry after healing Eowyn was just weird and frelled the timeline.
Some impact was lost, like the Shelob moment I mentioned upthread, and Aragorn coming off the boat -- but there's no surprise left for us, so it didn't need to be as much of a moment.
Things that I realise I should have noticed about the theatrical: the disappearance of a) the palantir, b) Aragorn's pendant and c) Gandalf's staff. Oops.
So far, I rank the theatricals FotR, RotK, TTT, and the EEs TTT, FotR, RotK. I think that's because RotK achieved such a huge emotional impact and it didn't get that much more (continued...)
( continues...) of an emotional uplift to it with the extensions, though they were cool. It seemed like a bit more of a job to put everything in. Still, yay!
I haven't seen the EE yet, but in the book Aragorn uses Gandalf/Saruman's Palantir. They don't even know about Denethor's until after he dies, and it's never terribly usable--shows only "two old hands, withering in flame," or some such.
Though I suppose now that'd be "two old hands, flinging themselves off of a helicopter landing pad.