Woot, Minas Tirith is sitting on top of my computer. Thank you Sam's Club. Now I just need to find a spare four hours to watch it.
LotR - The Return of the King: "We named the *dog* 'Strider'".
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Isn't it closer to 5?
Well, mine left Forest Park today -- I'm thinking that means here tomorrow.
Not that I had the time, but I just watched the EE tonight. Clocks in at just about four hours, not including the credits (which I did not watch, except to look briefly at the actor sketches--I'm so glad they put Christopher Lee back in!), and, oh. That was wonderful. As usual, I have quibbles (I'm with Kathy and Jars on the drinking game, and in the scene towards the beginning of Disc 2 with Merry and Eowyn and all the soldiers riding for Rohan, why does she have her helmet off and her hair down? Isn't she trying to keep secret the fact that she's there? ), but there were so many things I loved. One scene alone that was worth it was Eomer crying out and rushing towards Eowyn's body on the battlefield, cradling her and sobbing. I'd say it made me cry, but let's be honest, I was pretty much leaking tears throughout the whole damn movie. t /giant sap
From Dani's WF:
No, that's really funny, actually. It's this interview where Elijah was conducting overseas interviews and wasn't able to see his interviewer, so Dom sat down and used his German accent to convince Elijah that another interviewer had just sat down, and tormented him thusly . I can't wait to see the whole clip.
I have Minas Tirith sitting on my desk right now, AIFG. I keep imagining a flaming Denethor pitching off the end.
Bad Steward! No uploft.
I was working till 10 p.m. last night, but I had to break into the dvds. I love the appendices. My favorite so far is the Horse Lords and, that last shot in Cameras in Middle Earth.
Now I'm much with the gronk, but it was worth it.
SA - The clip is about 7 minutes long and it is hilarious! I was laughing so hard I almost couldn't breathe... That had to be one of the best easter eggs of the set.
That had to be one of the best easter eggs of the set.
Better than Jack Black's cockring?
Depends on your sense of humor. The Jack Black easter egg is near the top of the bunch.
Ordered from Amazon 2 weeks ago, and by today, it still hadn't shipped. I succumbed to a nice big Best Buy display (both cheap and now) and just cancelled my Amazon order and don't feel guilty one little bit.
Now to find my way home from the Xmas shopping bonanza and plop it into the DVD player.
I called around to about eight different Blockbusters in the area. I know I'm getting it for Christmas but that doesn't mean I won't watch it first. Fortunately, my last hope had one copy left. I was able to have the clerk put my name on it. The bad thing? I have to return it by noon on Thursday. The good thing? Last night and tonight I'm doing nothing but watching the movie and as many extra features that I can.