Jars broke Christmas.
I always wanted to be remembered.
Does anyone want to be horrifically spoiled, or would everyone rather watch with virgin eyes?
Assuming one can find a virgin whose eyes they could steal...
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Jars broke Christmas.
I always wanted to be remembered.
Does anyone want to be horrifically spoiled, or would everyone rather watch with virgin eyes?
Assuming one can find a virgin whose eyes they could steal...
No spoilers! flees from the thread with hands over her eyes
So no North Americans have a "shipping soon" yet?
(Not that I do, just curious.)
And I want Jars to taunt but not spoil please.
Huh. Just saw an ad for the EE Gift set -- I could swear that they said that the Minas Tirith box is a music box.
Did we know this before?
Could I have mis-heard?
Does anyone have it yet who could clarify?
What does it play? "I Believe I Can Fly"?
Sumi, Amazon shipped mine yesterday (along with a bunch of other stuff) vis FedEx Ground and should arrive by Tuesday. I paid for shipping on mine, because the order with free shipping option wasn't scheduled to arrive until the 23rd. I needed the other stuff before then.
I'm hoping that they will start to ship mine on tuesday -- if I get it on Saturday -- that would be excellent.
My order hasn't shipped yet (not even the part that was supposed to ship yesterday, let alone the part that would have included ROTK, which isn't due to ship until the 17th), so I canceled the EE from my order and gave my friend money to buy it for me at Best Buy on Tuesday (FYI, it's listed at $23 on Best Buy's website, vs. $28 at Target). He and his girlfriend are taking the day off from work to go buy it first thing in the morning and spend all day with it. I am SO tempted to join them, except I think my coworkers might all have coronaries--this is a really busy week for us. Maybe I could go home sick, though...
My order from Amazon is listed as "shipping soon" now!
I'm very excited.