If you are reluctant to buy the EEs -- you can certainly netflix the two extra discs.
LotR - The Return of the King: "We named the *dog* 'Strider'".
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
I have the EEs, and I've seen Urban smile, and he is definitely yummy. I just haven't seen him play a character with any lightness in him, and I'd like to.
It's because we're missing the Scouring! I tell ya'.
I loved book!Denethor, so I was deeply and fundamentally annoyed by movie!Denethor. Didn't stop me from making him my wallpaper, though.
It didn't help that the actor was made up and behaved to suggest the stereotypical movie villain, a la Viggo from Ghostbusters 2. If you'd stood him next to Lee's Saruman, would anyone new to the story have picked Denethor as the good guy?
I completely did not remember that his death isn't even in the book Fellowship. It's dispensed with in about two lines at the beginning of TTT.
I think it was a bit more than two lines. I'll have to dig out the text when I get home, but I do know there was the description of him when Aragorn came upon him, the conversation between Aragorn and Boromir, and heck, they even had a long song that Aragorn and Legolas sang as they sent him down the Anduin in the eleven boat.
Plus, there was some flashback material when we got Merry's perspective of what happened in a later chapter.
Try the Price of Milk -- I'm trying to remember whether he smiles in particular but it is a light movie and he doesn't play the heavy.
they even had a long song that Aragorn and Legolas sang as they sent him down the Anduin in the eleven boat.
Hee. Yes, the extemporaneous singing. And then Gimli's all "um, dude, no. Sorry."
Try the Price of Milk
On the queue. Thanks!
It's an odd little film -- and you may recognize some other actors from LotR in it -- besides Karl.
I wish it would make clearer how hard it is for Frodo to live in the world he helped save
We went with a non-book reader, who didn't really like the first movie, wouldn't see the second in the theater and was won over by watching it on video. I was curious and asked what she to hought happened to Frodo and she looked ta me like I was kidding and said "He had seen too much to stay happy with the Hobbits so he went off to some heaven-like place." So she got it... and I didn't think she would.