Yes, it's part of a conference here.
I think it's free.
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Yes, it's part of a conference here.
I think it's free.
Yes, it's free -- because it's part of the graduate colloquium series. Want to go?
Sure! Look for an insent in a few minutes!
Was it ever revealed how Denethor's wife died? I'm watching the TTT EE commentary and I was wondering.
Finduilas is born in 2950, marries at age 26, bears two sons 5 years apart, and dies in 2988, when Faramir is five years old and Boromir ten.
Appendix A has a thing to the effect of:
" But it seemed to men that she withered in the guarded city, as a flower of the seaward vales set upon a barren rock." (She was from Dol Amroth, on the south coast. Also, she was married to a kind of stodgy guy about 30 years older than she.)
I love that you know this on the fly. Thank you so much. This is, unfortunately, feeding my desire to write fanfic.
Ha ha ha! I do not know this on the fly. I have the book at my desk with earmarks where each of the appendices begins. One of the appendices is a book of years.
Not that I mind the misimpression that I am an all-knowing genius.
To feed your fanfic desires further, Strider was working under an assumed name in Gondor for most or all of the years that Finduilas was there. The chances are reasonable that they met (he was a general called Thorongil), and if you want to be really fanficcy, he could easily, timewise, be Boromir's or (more likely) Faramir's father. Not that Our Hero should automatically be cast as a huge slut and cuckolder of world leaders, but it's possible within the timeline.
(And I love the book of years; I reread it every few months. I'm on spring break, though, and don't have the book with me. Besides, I figured someone would know...which they did.)
Imagine how that would start out though. wicked fucked up. I love it. (Though it messes with my perception of Aragorn/Boromir slash.)
Um, okay, ew.
Also, camping out in the wilderness, without a tent, in winter, not exactly conducive to the tender loving, you know? Also, hello to the Hobbit-audience. I could never get past the logistical problems to even think about the psychological dynamics.
I could never get past the logistical problems to even think about the psychological dynamics.
Well, there's always the running off. There must have been some running off.
Or perhaps the hobbits are pervy little slash-fancying voyeurs.