Merry and Pippen have the same Myers Brigg? I should do some reading, but they shouldn't, I don't think.
Xander ,'Get It Done'
LotR - The Return of the King: "We named the *dog* 'Strider'".
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
I've never understood the whole MBTI thing (actually, I'd never even heard of them before the Buffistas)--what exactly do all those initials mean?
Steph L.--Have iMac with dvd player will travel. Netflix rules (!) and keeps me up to date. I watch, I read, I absorb ambient pop culture. No need for a tv.
Besides, my name is Bj and I'm an addict...
If a tv is near, I'm pathologically drawn to it...very sad in a really sad, not funny sort of way.
I'll explore the diagnosis for THAT affliction right after I plead for a veer away from MBTI! Yeck. After 10 years as an organizational development consultant and 4 years as a therapist, I'm so up to here^ with MBTI.
I have this horrifying image of Samwise wearing an "ENFP spoken here" t.
Wow. (in the way only Allison Janney can say it) I seem to have killed the MBTI discussion without the promised smackdown. (whimper)
Kathy Astrom--MBTI is a personality type indicator based on Jungian psychology. It's great in that it presents people's differences as PREFERENCES, rather than good/bad. Which, in our pidgeon-holing culture is kind of great.
Sadly, in our pidgeon-holing culture, it is also used as a weapon of judgement and exclusion. Not so great.
On topic: I've been listening to the unabridged RoTK on tape recently and I have a question about dwarves.
In the appendices, we hear all about their lines and battles, and the various industries (very Quark-like really) but what I don't understand is, what is the deal with burying their dead in stone?
Well, weren't they formed out of stone to begin with?
Also: Viggo Mortensen is on the cover of GQ! I'm assuming the April issue. (We're too early for May, right?)
I just got two May 2004 copies of magazines in the mail this week. GQMV.
Hm. I missed the formed from stone part. Thanks.
So! This July, my local symphony and symphony chorus (including me) will be performing music from the LoTR movies, and they'll have big screens showing scenes from the movies, and how freaking cool is this?
Wow!!! That is soooo excellent!
Also, I didn't realize that Marquette had the world's pre-eminent collection of the works of Tolkien.