I loved Billy and his kilt and his sweet thanks.
And I suppose Sean Astin warned the others -- otherwise why would Bernard Hill introduce him that way?
And I'm so so glad that they won!!!
Also -- that poster of Gandalf on the balcony while Pippin sleeps -- that's NEW FOOTAGE, isn't it?
Also, I was looking at my trilogy soundtrack cards -- first I made an all Aragorn trilogy (foamy) then I looked through the cards and realized that TRAGICALLY they did not have a Legolas insert for FotR. I also think that some of the un-released footage may be Legolas in Egypt - - because the RotK Legolas insert card appears to have pyramids in the background.
Expressed concern about runaway production.
While it's a very large concern for SAG, and I agree, the irony of him saying this while accepting an award for a film made in New Zealand with an international cast was apparently lost on him.
I pretty much tuned out what Sean was saying -- but something about internecine fighting in SAG was what I caught.
What did Sean talk about instead?
First - it was funny because Bernard Hill saw that Sean wanted to speak and said "Here comes the next President of the United States."
Then Sean went off about unions and his mom and someone else will have to re-cap because I flipped over to watch J.Depp's Inside the Actors Studio because I was embarassed knowing Sean was going to go get all political. Thankfully, I turned back in time for Billy's absolutely ADORABLE "I used to work in a factory in Glasgow and now here I am." or whatever he said that was absolutely adorable.
eta: oops - I was a little late in posting - someone already re-capped.
something like "now here I am with Clint Eastwood and Al Pacino" -- BB's adorable!
I popped an email to theonering.net, and the caption's been fixed on their site. YAY!
In fairness to Sean, remember this was a UNION function, even if it's televised internationally. And runaway production is a very large problem for SAG. The folks in that room, not directly. But the bit players who are the bulk of the union's membership are getting hosed to the extent that many more of them cannot qualify for health coverage, for example.
Studios will continue to do that as long as they can. The above the line players in that room have much more power to combat that than the day players.
Uncomfortable to acknowledge? Absolutely. That's not necessarily a bad thing.
So, I don't agree that it was inappropriate for either Tim Robbins or Sean Astin to mention the issue. Ironic in Sean's case, but the main problem was not just making the point and graciously moving on.
So, I don't agree that it was inappropriate for either Tim Robbins or Sean Astin to mention the issue.
I totally think it was an approrpriate place for both of them to talk about unions and it is clearly an important issue for their profession.
I have Astin issues from the TTT audio commentary. He is just such a rambler. I appreciate the depth of thought he puts into his comments - but man - he can go on. And I always get uncomfortable when award accepters stray from the usual speeches - and that is my issue really.
At least he recognizes the fact that he is mockable and doesn't let that stop him.
Yes, he does tend toward the overearnest sometimes.
Ooh, content and a slut bonus. YAY!!!
Yes, my Sean issues also probably stem from the TTT commentary -- you think he's a hobbit -- but he's really and ent!