Angmar would make a lovely girl's name.
Except for how it wouldn't.
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Angmar would make a lovely girl's name.
Except for how it wouldn't.
Angmar would make a lovely girl's name.
Except for how it wouldn't.
Wait for my upcoming book on relationship advice, "Witch-Kings Are From Angmar, Witch-Queens Are From New Orleans".
Do you think that sales are secret? Because you might try getting in touch with Reprise -- they would certainly have that information.
Okay I found this:
Since its release in late November, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return Of The King" has racked up sales in excess of 300,000 units, joining its bestselling predecessors "The Fellowship Of The Ring" (2001) and "The Two Towers" (2002), which have sold over 3 million units worldwide. Additionally, "The Two Towers" soundtrack has been nominated for a Grammy as Best Original Score.
500,000 units = 1 gold record
1,000,000 units = 1 platinum record
Would that help your friend understand?
PJ is on E! News live today (about the DGA Award).
So, um, there really is an "Atlantis" in the LotR books?
Cause, see, since I haven't read them, I trust you folks for my information. So....Atlantis? Like the Donovan song?
A co-worker just e-mailed me RotK EE scenes:
Director Peter Jackson told Entertainment Weekly magazine that some of the hour's worth of extra footage cut from the theatrical release of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King could find its way into the upcoming DVD edition.
"I'm going to work on an extended DVD version, though I don't think all of that will make it in, because the pacing would be really weird," Jackson told the magazine. "But there's some good stuff that's not in the book."
Among the excised scenes: a humorous bit between Gimli (John Rhys- Davies) and Legolas (Orlando Bloom) having a drinking competition. "I really quite liked [it]," Jackson said. "But we felt [it was too comedic] at a point when we wanted to set up the tension of the story. And there's a sequence of Sam [Sean Astin] and Frodo [Elijah Wood] disguised as orcs, where they end up in the orc army for a while."
The purists should skip highlighting the spoiler font.
What Nutty is calling Atlantis is, in the backstory of the novels, the land of Numenor, which was located in the middle of the ocean, between Middle-Earth and Valinor.
So, basically Atlantis, complete with associations of lost golden age, and nasty fate (i.e., overthrown and drowned).
Actually, I just like typing the special code to make the little acute mark.
Aha. I bow to all y'alls knowledge.
And I feel pretty smart for twigging to the fact that "Atlantis" was too weird for LotR.