Jess had said:
[Which means, ironically, that Gimli has the Ring to thank for his existance, since without it, Bilbo wouldn't have been able to get the dwarves out of prison.]
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Jess had said:
[Which means, ironically, that Gimli has the Ring to thank for his existance, since without it, Bilbo wouldn't have been able to get the dwarves out of prison.]
Hmm? What do you mean?
Somebody earlier brought up the possibility that Gimli owes his existence to the Ring, as Bilbo used it to get his dad out of Thranduil's hall.
Ah! Right.
I'm glad someone looked this up, cause I was just sitting around idly thinking that Gimli was born before the Hobbit. But I a) didn't bother to look it up and b) didn't bother to post, so now I just look like a latecomer chiming in. But I am amazingly apathetic at the moment.
So Gimli is older than Aragorn, but certainly younger than Legolas.
Cradle-robbing elf...
But in elf-years, Legolas certainly is a lad. So maybe it's an early instance of Gimli's race-sensitivity.
That and the fact he knows the word for "ladders" in elvish.
Well, that'll teach me to say things without looking them up in the Appendices first. I'd just assumed that Gimli had to be born post-Hobbit because otherwise, he would have been included on the trip.
I actually have some vague memory of him complaining about not getting to go - either on that trip or on the attempt to resettle Moria - because he was too young. I'm not motivated enough to try to find it, though. (The ages were easy. Yay, family trees!)
Well, you can't take a whole army of dwarves with you, when you go tramping around Rhovanion. Kind of conspicuous. Also, he would need a rhyme-y partner to go with him -- only the kings of dwarves get away with not having a rhyme-y partner.
showed Hugo Weaving in a blond wig. It was positively hideous.
Er, my (admittedly vague) memory of Hugo Weaving is that he is blond. Or anyway, sandy-haired. Although NSM with the long and Pantene-ed locks.
In Priscilla, (when he wasn't in drag), his hair was a kind of highlight-y medium brown. It looked natural to me, but it's been a while since I've seen it.