Nope, Matt, both of those are in my rated version.
See, this is why I'm having a hard time imagining the unrated version.
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Nope, Matt, both of those are in my rated version.
See, this is why I'm having a hard time imagining the unrated version.
I just looked on Amazon for Forbidden Silver, having misremembered the title of Forgotten Silver. No direct hits, but I got both "Christian romance novels" and "Adult Softcore Porn."
I'm just so happy to see those two things side by side. So happy, in fact, that I'm not going to wonder why the adjective "adult" was felt to be necessary.
See, this is why I'm having a hard time imagining the unrated version.
See, I think at one point it was cut down to an R-rated version. Although I'm not sure just 12 minutes would cut it.
However, I must say that DEAD ALIVE is the most jovial piece of sick-fuckery this side of early Sam Raimi. MEET THE FEEBLES is just nasty (which is part of its, ahem, charm), but DEAD ALIVE is kinda sweet in some ways - the hero is so damn guileless, and the romance he has is truely lovable.
Classic line: "I kick ass for the lord!!!!"
Classic line: "I kick ass for the lord!!!!"
That's up there with "I'm an asshole...with an Uzi!" from Frighteners.
I think the "kick ass" quote, well, kicks the other's ass. I mean, it's spoken in an Irish accent by an elderly pajamas-and-smoking-jacket-clad priest that just beat the crap out of a bunch of zombies. How can you not love that?
I think the "kick ass" quote, well, kicks the other's ass. I mean, it's spoken in an Irish accent by an elderly pajamas-and-smoking-jacket-clad priest that just beat the crap out of a bunch of zombies. How can you not love that?
Plus, after ripping the arms off of said zombies, he overshoots a kung-fu kick and ends up impaling himself on a pointy tombstone about 30 seconds later.
Classic cinema at its best, I tell ya!
I've never seen DEAD ALIVE but I really want to now.
I only recommend it to people with strong stomachs. There is a lovely bit with a lawnmower, a couple hundred zombies, and a picture of the Queen, however.
Watched FotR and TTT EEs back to back then went back and watched them with the commentary, Whoo! Much better with the added bits.
Brain Dead, Bad Taste and Meet the Feebles are hilarious. If you look at the audience in Meet the Feebles there's one of the aliens from Bad Taste in it.
Harking back to the hair discussion earlier -- I was tried to find a picture of Future Elessar (to no avail) because I think that Dead!Elessar and Daddy!Elessar have the best king hair (and beard).
But I did find a picture from the Coronation and a picture of Faramir and Eowyn at the Coronation, plus this great picture of the King's Head Re-Crowned -- I hope we'll see that in the EE too.