the banner of Dol Amroth at the coronation!
Really! That's very cool. It's a swan, yes? I'll look for it on my next viewing.
Gunn ,'Power Play'
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
the banner of Dol Amroth at the coronation!
Really! That's very cool. It's a swan, yes? I'll look for it on my next viewing.
Aha. I should really read "previous," shouldn't I?
2. That army of the dead. Simply awesome.
You thought so? I mean, I love that they were in it and they kicked ass all over Minas Tirith, but I thought the effects were super-cheesy (did they have to be green?).
That's a big geekdom. None of my friends has a geekdom that big.
The meta in this statement makes me very happy. I love you guys.
trying to figure out the sett
Hail, Anne W, queen of the fiber arts geeks! (fortunately no one's wearing any bobbin lace, so I don't have to figure that out in my head. Though I have been trying to deduce the patterns of Eowyn's funeral dress)
The Big Green Army of Creeping Doom always makes me think of that X-Files episode where they're out in the forest and the glowy bug things from the trees wrap them in cocoons. Or, Scrubbing Bubbles, when they're climbing the walls of Minis Tirith.
Some really well-written fanfic has made me an Imrahil fan
Link? I've always been an Imrahil fan. He's possibly more of a Golden Boy than Faramir in the books.
Anne, one of the women at The Two Towers does costumes for the Folger, and has actually fondled the elven cloaks. Let me see if I can get the sett from her.
Scrubbing Bubbles
Yes! and *snerk*
Link? I've always been an Imrahil fan. He's possibly more of a Golden Boy than Faramir in the books.
Captain, My Captain by Isabeau of Greenlea has one of the best Imrahils I've read. It's a saga (53 chapters!), and starts out very Faramir-centric with an original female character who's not a Mary-Sue but who manages to get herself involved with just about every minor character (and a few major ones) from RotK. The writer does an excellent job of inserting this original story in and around the events after Frodo and Sam leave the Rangers in Ithilien all the way through and succeeding Arwen and Aragorn's wedding. Imrahil shows up pretty quickly and becomes a major character in the fic after a few chapters. Her Faramir and Elrohir are also well-written, and I like the way she shows Aragorn's discomfort with his new role as King.
Is Imrahil, Faramir and Boromir's uncle?
Because, wasn't their mother from Dol Amroth?
(And doesn't this mean that Eomer and Eowyn marry cousins?)
Otherwise -- I've been EXTREMELY lucky with the audiences that I've seen the movie with -- no weirdness or wrongness or rudeness. And I've seen it 4 times now.
BTW, don't bother with IMAX, the shape of the IMAX screen messes up the lighting and the color of the movie. (Possibly everyone already knew that it would do that.)
Oh, and I got the RotK soundtrack for Christmas.
Are there EE soundtrack albums?
It's nice to know someone else is doing this. I've been freeze-framing anything with a decent shot of the Elven cloaks, trying to figure out the sett. My loom needs a workout, and I've already been thinking of what fibers to blend for best effect.
Would this help? White Tree
Is Imrahil, Faramir and Boromir's uncle?
Because, wasn't their mother from Dol Amroth?
Yes (Finduilas was Imrahil's sister).
(And doesn't this mean that Eomer and Eowyn marry cousins?)
And, wait for it...yes!
BTW, don't bother with IMAX, the shape of the IMAX screen messes up the lighting and the color of the movie. (Possibly everyone already knew that it would do that.)
Thanks for the advice, because I was thinking about tracking down an IMAX showing for my next viewing, which I think will be a few weeks away, at least.
I've been watching my TTTEE, and Sam's big speech at the end is really touching me now, more so than a year ago, especially the part about "how could things go back to the way they were, when so much bad had happened?" Pair that up with Frodo's quote that's my current tagline ("How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on, when in your heart you begin to understand: there is no going back. There is some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep. That have taken hold."), and we see that while "the sun shines out the clearer," things can never go back.