So, anyone read
The Rule of Four?
Amazon's been recommending it to me, and it sounds like something I'd like, but it's only got 2.5 stars out of 1023 reviews.
From my initial skim of the reviews, it appears that the negatives are along the lines of "not as fluffy as The Da Vinci Code, and the author uses big words."
I read and enjoyed it, Raq. Thought it was far more fun and far less annoying than The Davinci Code. One or two things that kept throwing me out of the story
(the weather, which frequently matters to the plot, was absolutely and completely wrong for NJ for that time of year),
but other than that, fun and interesting read.
I second the fun read on
The Rule of Four.
Not a masterpiece, but at least as good as anything Dan Brown has written.
...and it's ordered. Thanks you two! Having read
Holy Blood, Holy Grail
Foucault's Pendulum
lo these many years ago, I wasn't at all impressed with Mr. Brown.
The fact that most of the negative reviews had really bad grammar and spelling spoke volumes, I think.
I also thought that the MacGuffin used in
Rule of Four
was far more interesting than the one in
The DaVinci Code,
and I found myself wishing that it could be true. I don't think I'd ever seen that particular idea used before.
I will say, although I can intellectually recognize that The Nothing Man is a fairly lame tabloid-y novel, and the least of Jim Thompson's many works, I also hold it dear to my heart for its OTT ranting about serving hot dogs in mayonnaise to a man who's had his dick shot off.
Wouldn't ketchup be worse?
The Absolute Ring of Truth!
Long have we, the brothers of the AAPG, sought it. With this simple band, forged in fiction, we shall bring our message to the entire world!
...for all values of
that are like writing in your LJ.