I don't dislike The Algebraist, but it's really not dragging me along for the ride. I don't miss it the way I miss Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. I think it needs more attention to do it justice, and I'm just...not. I will address that this weekend.
We're Literary 2: To Read Makes Our Speaking English Good
There's more to life than watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No. Really, there is! Honestly! Here's a place for Buffistas to come and discuss what it is they're reading, their favorite authors and poets. "Geez. Crack a book sometime."
I recently finished Folly, by Laurie R. King. It's not part of her Sherlock and Russell series or her Kate Martinelli series, but I really liked it. It made me want to move to the San Juan islands. (Not that that's a hard sell for me.)
I'm so glad that you guys are enjoying or have enjoyed Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. I recommended it to a friend and she HATED it -- stopped reading it in fact.
Jars - I had the same experience as you did -- I tried to drag out the ending so that I wouldn't be done. I started reading it late in 2004 but I think I finished it in 2005.
I just got Jonathan Strange, Anansi Boys, and Woken Furies.
Reading bliss.
Gah. I need help. I have this book I need to recommend but can't remember author/title.
Anyway, the author is an LJ stalwart, the book is called something like Melisande, it's got excellent dark worldbuilding and is roughly equivalent to Georgian London/Paris, and the main plot is about a tattooed sorceror who's being used to destroy the magical foundation of teh world.
Ring any bells? Cause, damn, it was good.
Is it Sarah Monette's Melusine? Which I haven't read, but I know the author on LJ.
Yes. Thank you. Guys, it's very good fantasy, with a solidly thought-out background, and with grim, realistic settings but not being drive-me-to-suicide dark. Good book.
I want to read that, but I hear it's part 1 only, so I'm waiting until it's (a) out in paper and (b) finished.
So I got a box of books from the parents tonight, and one is a copy I already have. It's Beirut Blues. I recall enjoying it as a broody politics and personal book I read when I was heavy into a modern middle east phase. If anyone is interested, speak up and I'll ship it to you. Sometime in the next couple of weeks.