Augustus Gloop, but then, the whole point of him was overindulgence. If AUgustus Gloop had been skinny, he would have been a very strange object lesson.
I remember Fattypuffs and Thinifers, or, just enough to remember that the skinny people ate their meals standing up, and I thought that was stupid.
seem to be overweight by virtue of epitomizing the wealthy and overfed upper-classes, in contrast to poverty-stricken heroes.
This may be possible, but it's the particular way he writes about fatness that has a very judgemental tone.
Whaddya talk? Everything Dahl wrote had a judgemental tone. Dude was Judge Dredd, William Rehnquist, and Satan all rolled into one slightly-rumpled body. I say that with love, but not a lot of illusions. Check out his feelings about mothers, and people who don't read, and anyone who would dare to harm a hair on wittle Matilda's head.
In other news, I am finishing up
The Natural,
and it is not all that and a bag of tricks. I guess I just don't get it, or I am not wowed by its post-war OMG Manliness! I hardly knew ye! stance. It's not bad, but -- it feels like a book whose time came and went.
Next up: either
I Capture the Castle
or an annotated edition of Ring Lardner Jr. stories. (Now there is a book whose time came and went!)
Has anyone here read Stephen Unwin's
The Probability of God?
I've just finished it, and I've love to discuss it.
I've read it, Am-Chou, but it was a while ago.
Has anyone here tried I'm not listening to as much music, what with the headaches, so spoken word is becoming more appealing.
I have some stuff that I ripped off my own CDs, and some MP3 recordings of radio broadcasts, and an wondering about branching out.
I can get pretty cheap books on DVD from a used bookstore near me, but the selection is erratic, and I still have to, you know, do work.
I haven't used it, but double check with the library. We have some libraries that let you download audio books - They stay 'good' for 7 to 14 days. you just need a library card.
We have some libraries that let you download audio books - They stay 'good' for 7 to 14 days. you just need a library card.
Oh, nice., here I come.
eta: whee!, here I come!
Oh, ptooey. They support neither Macs nor iPods. Which would restrict me to listening to them off my main computer.
Less attractive.
I believe iTunes has some audiobooks.
I'm not sure that Audible supports Macs/iPods either. Truly it is damn annoying.