Kind of difficult to consider them particularly romantic though, although they deal with the subject of romance most of the time. Hmmm.
I think that's because while a romantic novel has to include a romance, a novel with a romance doesn't have to include romanticism.
No, it's my home DNS barfing and telling me stuff didn't post. Sorry.
Is it (Alatriste) being released earlier in Spanish speaking countries?
I am currently reading a book by Reginald Hill called "The Stranger House" - it's not a Dalziel and Pascoe book and is so far, very enjoyable.
Neil Gaiman's blog sez that's short story archive disappears at the end of the year.
Top 20 Geek Books (according to a Guardian survey).
My sci-fi geek credentials are low, then--I've only read Hitchhiker's Guide, Foundation, and Stranger in a Strange Land.
Brave New World
shouldn't count as geek cred. Most American kids have to read them in junior high school. And by Most American kids, I mean I had to read them as assignments.
Poor John Brunner. Does nobody love him?