Do you think the filmmakers didn't get the reference?
Yes. But that they thought they needed to substitute Irish for Greek - even if they didn't get that it was a wee joke, wtf? Is this some stupid 'we heart the Irish' thing? It seems like such a
change. I mean, I think you may be right about it being some kind of odd ethnic sensitivity - but WHAT ethnic sensitivity? Greeks can't be mentioned? There aren't enough mentions of the Irish? What?
t baffled
Maybe they thought it was like a Greek Stereotype, and worried about fielding letters from scads of touchy men named Nikos?
Or maybe I just watch the Sopranos too much.(Because several of those characters are very rabid about portrayals of Italian characters. It's very meta.)
Maybe they thought it was like a Greek Stereotype
Hee. I like this. Those Greeks, flogging dodgy monsters (the ones we forgot to nick when we stole their antiquities) to half-giants in pubs. Yep.
Now if it had been in a
Hermione's family bugs me.
We never hear about them. She sees them about two weeks a year and no one seems to care if she spends all her non-school time with the Weasleys. I'd love to have a chapter on what it was like for her in the Muggle world.
I think Harry should spend part of his summer with her -- because it is odd.
They're proud of her, but they don't want to see her.
I agree. They should spend some time at the Granger's. Arthur will be very very jealous.
I want to know more about the Potters. Maybe I missed it, but was James an orphan? Where are the Potters?
The Potters
were older when they had James who was an only child. I guess they didn't have living siblings either -- or none with offspring.