We've ordered the British edition, as DH insists so it'll match all our previous HP books. And with family finances as they currently are, I can't justify buying an American copy just to read it when everyone else does. So I'll be a little behind.
We'll be waiting until it's out in paperback in Canada, just like last time, and picking it up at Chapters.
Susan, we should orchestrate a trade. I buy the UK version when I'm there, read it right away, you get your American first day, then we swap so our respective collections match.
OTOH, my copy would likely be well-worn by the time I got home, thus un-collection worthy.
I'm having my pre-ordered copy sent to Michigan since that's where I'll be.
Environmentalists urged to buy recycled Harry Potter from Canada:
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is published worldwide on 16 July, with a recycled version issued by Canadian publisher Raincoast Books.
Vancouver conservation group Markets Initiative said US publisher Scholastic rejected a plea to use recycled paper.
My friend Tami has threatened to beat me upside the head if I do what I did with OotP and read it in one sitting
Y'know, I may just have to do that...cause I realized that on that Sunday? I'll be on a plane to California. Between 5 hours on the plane, and time waiting in the airport? I ought to be able to kick that puppy...
They've updated the info on the local bookstore's Harry Potter celebration next Friday. I think I might actually drop by for the fun! Now, they also have Arthur Weasley ("esteemed Muggle expert") and Minerva McGonagall stopping by the bookstore (there's a big enough local acting pool to cast these characters really well, and I'm interested to see how they have them portrayed), as well as "Gringott's Bank Vault tours" and "Madame Pomfrey's Infirmary" (the local chiropractor).
Thanks for the link about the recycled Harry Potter...I may cancel my Amazon pre-order and get one of these. I'm also debating a crack about how the recycled plotlines and OMG!SomeoneDIES! should be printed on recycled paper to match, because I'm actually kind of excited to read the new book.
A shocker, since after finishing OotP by holding my hand to the back of my head, I swore I was done with Potter.
ETA: It's $2.00 more to buy the recycled version from Canada (via Amazon.ca). Also, I want this [link] cover.
I heard Kelly Link read from her new story collection last night. She read part of a story about a group of teenagers who are really big fans of a TV show called "The Library" which comes on at odd times and features characters who are always played by different actors from episode to episode. It was funny and surreal and wonderful. I picked up the new book,
Magic for Beginners,
and am really looking forward to reading it, maybe this weekend.