Dani, I adore all three of those - in fact I love everything she wrote - but I am The Daughter of Time's standard-bearer and cheerleadeer. Plus, damn near lifelong member of the Richard III anti-defamation corps, plus medieval historian, and between the two? I'm nuts for that novel.
Just read Donna Jo Napoli's Beast a retelling of Beaty and the beast. Really well done, and told more of the story before Belle. It was all from the Beast's perspective. Plus she is the head of the linguistics department at swathmore. Her last couple of pages on the language she used ( farsi ) and why she chose certain spellings was a lot of fun to read.
Beth, as the Typomeister supreme, may I say that I think Beatty and the Beast would make very interesting twisted RPF slash....
I was thinking Warren for pure snark value...
ita, either would work. They'd have to play it with no makeup, if they ever filmed it....
see, never correct typos -- they lead to fun
Stayed up too late last night reading "Atonement". Very excellent thriller, so far although I think if I told IM that, he'd think I said he drank toilet water.(And why did I think he wrote "Trainspotting?" Nuh uh.)
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I want to share this article about Amazon reviews.
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The literary world is always much smaller and creepier than we think, even when we think it is quite small and creepy.