Ah, the adventures of Harry Potter and the rigged bet.
We're Literary 2: To Read Makes Our Speaking English Good
There's more to life than watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No. Really, there is! Honestly! Here's a place for Buffistas to come and discuss what it is they're reading, their favorite authors and poets. "Geez. Crack a book sometime."
I want to see the Ents come gunning for him to avenge all the trees killed to print bazillions of 700 page books.
So I remember reading a sci-fi book many years ago where the plot was that an alien race planned to exterminate human beings, but refrained because "there's only one of [them]" -- all human consciousness was connected into one, like in a jellyfish or slime mold but on a larger scale.
Does anyone have any idea what this was? I mentioned it to my husband recently, and he thinks I'm insane. Thanks.
Does anyone have any idea what this was?
Ummmm . . . . By the end of the Forever saga by Haldeman, they were, but, um, nope.
Does anyone have any idea what this was?
Rings a bell, but it's kind of the plot of the Alpha Centauri computer game, so I may be confused.
It sounds like a cross between The Puppet Masters and Childhood's End.
Move it along...nothing to see here (thanks Steph!)
Sophia, I think you meant that for a different thread.
Hmmm. I did read Childhood's End. How close is that to the scenario I'm describing, Jess?