Two books is a minimum when I'm flying to North Carolina from DC. Anywhere farther? Requires more. (Though given the number of times I've been delayed at Dulles going to NC, two is pretty minimum too).
I would SO throw a shit-fit if they tried to tell me I couldn't bring more than 2 books on a flight. I wouldn't particularily care if they told me I couldn't get on that flight, after throwing said shit-fit. Becuase really. If I"m flying to Cali, and can't have books? What's the point?
"You took away my books and left my vibrator. Should I take this as a suggestion?"
If I"m flying to Cali, and can't have books? What's the point?
Note to people hosting meara: Please check your area for all used bookstores before she arrives. She will particularly want Very Fat Very Out Of Print Science Fiction Books From Series.
I fear I'd prove the moron right by demonstrating how books can be employed as offensive weapons.
Yes, I'd no doubt be restrained and subjected to a cavity search afterwards, but at least the one I got would be a matter of policy rather than medical necessity.
I picked up Michael Connolly's The Narrows yesterday, in a reading material crisis. I've liked his stuff fine, but in the beginning of this book, they talk about the Clint Eastwood movie of Blood Work, and the book The Poet, and it's just
I don't know how I feel about characters in my book knowing they are characters in a book. Alternatively, I don't know how I feel about pretending The Poet was nonfiction.
My last plane trip, when I was traveling with friends, with drinking strongly encouraged, and, in short, with every possible non-book entertainment in an airport on hand, I took four books. And a magazine. Two books? Dude.
Two books?
I might be able to get by with 2. If one of them is 800 pages or so.
And I can pack the rest in the bags I check.
I actually tend to take 2 or fewer books on vacation with me (reading while in motion makes me ill), but as checking out used bookstores is one of the fun things I do on vacation, the return trip involves rather larger numbers of them.
Has anyone read Music of the Spheres or something like that (maybe a longer title)? I'm listening to it on the iPod before bed, and I can't tell if it's good or I just like hearing Tim Curry read me to sleep. I haven't gotten very far, and I'm wondering if there's something I might enjoy more.
Has anyone read Sue Monk Kidd's new book, The Mermaid Chair? I'm pretty sure my mother loved The Secret Life of Bees, so I was thinking about getting this for her for her upcoming birthday, BUT the review on amazon says
Jesse, thanks for mentioning the connection to The Secret Lives of Bees. Mom loved that book; I'll have to look into the Mermaid Chair for Mother's Day.