Skimmed in mall while waiting for haircut. Agree with your evaluation.
If you want someon who does great 20th century/21st century witchery - Nina K. Hoffman. Hmm more shamanism than witchcraft -but marvelous characters and world building in any case.
I've read good things about her, and have read some poems of her in anthologys, but have not run across any of her books. I'll have to keep an eye open.
I thought I had, but on checking, I read something similar by Kelly Armstrong. Which was fine, if kind of fluffy.
But I'm hugely entertained that the teaser quote from the book on Amazon's site for
The Good, The Bad, and The Undead
is the following:
"I hitched the canvas strap holding the watering canister higher up on my shoulder and stretched to get the nozzle into the hanging plant...
Sounds riveting.
I've read the Armstrong books, too, and they're pretty "eh."
But at least I could finish them. The Harrison books....NSM.
I wanted to like them. But I don't.
Likewise. Read the first, couldn't finish the second.
That's exactly where I am. It's been on my nightstand for 3 days and I find myself re-reading 2 year old issues of Self instead.
NOT a good sign. . .
I loves me some Smart Bitches Who Love Trashy Books.
I saw a tiny b&w version of that first cover in an ad in
Romantic Times.
I snarked even then, but I had no idea how bad it was in its full-size, full-color glory.
I finished my other in-transit book in the Dulles airport last night and started reading Bell, Book and Murder by Rosemary Edghill on Jilli's rec. I'm liking it a lot.
Anyone read the Kim Harrison books, Dead Witch Walking and the like?
I've read
Dead Witch Walking,
and I'm halfway through
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead.
I'm entertained by them, and I like them slightly better than any of the Anita Blake books, but that's about it.
and started reading Bell, Book and Murder by Rosemary Edghill on Jilli's rec. I'm liking it a lot.
Oh yay! I'm glad you like it.