I think I read the Crystal Gryphon series pretty early.
I've still got my copies, I still read them.
Gah, I remember the stories, I can't remember the titles. The series with the people who can sing themselves into the bodies of animals, the Witch World series ...
edit: Moon of Three Rings.
This one!
Women as competent major characters.
I can never even remember what order the Gryphon series comes in.
The Stars Are Ours
Also, one of my first crushes on a fictional character was on Ross Murdock in the Time Trader books.
How much blame does Andre have to take for the whole animal-telepathy trick which has perpetuated in thousands of MarySueish adventures since?
AN seems like the primary source for that trope as it's been practiced ever since.
I don't know if I've read any books of hers. I think, possibly, she collaborated with -- Anne McCaffrey? -- in the late 80s on a series, which I read, but I may not have the righ person in mind.
Yes, the staggering tale of my ignorance continues.
Yes, the staggering tale of my ignorance continues.
Oof. This is almost as bad as JZ's confession last night that she's never seen Buckaroo Banzai or Repo Man or Diner. (Each a motherlode of quippage and quotage!)
I love Diner...(duh, what kind of fake hometown girl would I be, otherwise? Levinson is Dialogue's Bitch too.)
Sorry, Hec, for thinking of you during Daniel Stern's "anal" record flipout. You are much kinder.
In honor, I'd be curious to see every Andre Norton fan here note the first book of hers that made a big impression on you.
For me it would have to be Forerunner Foray, though I came to associate her more with the Witch World books.
Get thee to netflix and/or a video store.