Which neatly addresses my perpetual cognitive dissonance on re-reading Neuromancer and getting stuck on that very point.
When did you read it? I'm pretty sure that when I did it was either during or close enough to the time where static was really static that it never pinged. During, I feel sure.
A sky the colour of that blue, though, would freak my shit out.
For me it definitely predated the blue screen.
When did you read it?
1986. It's only bugged me on re-reading.
Does the lack of submachine guns in the Iliad bother you too, Mr. Picky?
Think how much shorter it would be with submachine guns!
But I don't think they'd get to still wear skirts, and I'm not willing to make that tradeoff.
If the Black Watch wore kilts to WWI (and they did), I think you're covered.
It was gays, skirts, and guns that made this country great!
Do not mess with the Little Old Ladies from Hell. Ask the Germans.