Dang, I remember when you could count on Calvin and Hobbes, Far Side and Bloom County every day. We thought it would last forever. sniff
Geezers with Hec. I more-or-less keep up with Get Fuzzy and Boondocks, but it's not the same as the Golden Days.
Thing is, I read a lot of webcomics now. Not daily, but every 6 weeks or so I'll hit my bookmarks and read all of them at once. Of course, with some of them the author/artist manages to get only one out in 6 months.
I tracked down and read Ex Libris after it was mentioned here and enjoyed it enormously. I'd really appreciate it if anyone could suggest other good books about books. I've read The Child That Books Built and So Many Books, So Little Time.
Ruined by Reading is good.
McSweeney's is launching the Believer's Book Series, which are collections of essays from
The Believer.
The first is Nick Hornsby's The Polysyllabic Spree.
Nick Hornby is the everloving bomb. Fever Pitch made so much of my life make sense to me and will help obsessives anywhere, even Spuffists. In fact, it reminds me that Spike's sole actual redeeming feature was that he was a Man U fan.
And his coat. I'd redeem him for the coat.
And his coat. I'd redeem him for the coat.
Which was looted from a corpse, that is, someone else's coat. You could always make him take it off before dustbusterizing him.
Hornby is an Arsenal fan, proving that he is in fact, a sad, sad bastard. However, the manner in which he shares his misery is illuminating and almost validates his miserable existance.
Which was looted from a corpse, that is, someone else's coat.
Don't think the trophy nature doesn't enhance it.
Hornby is an Arsenal fan, proving that he is in fact, a sad, sad bastard.
It took me a minute to realize you were talking about sports, not about Roy Harper.
Don't think the trophy nature doesn't enhance it.
Especially since it is a ::magic coat:: that fits all comers. Handy that.
It took me a minute to realize you were talking about sports, not about Roy Harper.
Hee. I have no idea who Roy Harper is, so I think we're all square.