Sadly, they retained "Pearls Before Swine", which is badly drawn, stupid, and offensive altogether.
I adore Pearls. Yes, it's badly drawn, but it's consistently funny and I like Pastis' eye for the meta, though he can go a little overboard with it.
Love in C&H and even like For Better or Worse a great deal
I like FBoFW because I've been following the characters for forever, so (corniness, here) I feel like I know them, and I like that they're Canadian.
I also really like Rhymes with Orange (another ugly-but-brilliant comic), Zits and Get Fuzzy.
Hate Baldo, for reasons similar to what Hec is describing about Clear Water -- it's all well-intentioned liberal. The fact the characters are Hispanic does not make up for the content being horrible. Oh, and Red & Rover is the lamest thing in lamedom.
</strongly-held comics opinions>
I also really like Rhymes with Orange (another ugly-but-brilliant comic),
thumbs up
Though I don't think it's that ugly.
Drawn by Jim Borgman. Yet another genius Kenyon alumnus/cartoonist.
and Get Fuzzy.
Probably my current favorite. Though it has not elevated to all-time classic status as yet.
Dang, I remember when you could count on Calvin and Hobbes, Far Side and Bloom County every day. We thought it would last forever.
t /geezer
Drawn by Jim Borgman. Yet another genius Kenyon alumnus/cartoonist.
And good friend of my grandparents.
Drawn by Jim Borgman. Yet another genius Kenyon alumnus/cartoonist.
And good friend of my grandparents.
And editorial cartoonist for (and only good thing about) the
Cincinnati Enquirer.
I love Rhymes Like Orange.
I still hate Pearls Before Swine.
Is the day over yet?
t whines
Many thanks sumi and DebetEsse. That second link is exactly the kind of thing I was trying to find.
and Get Fuzzy.
Probably my current favorite. Though it has not elevated to all-time classic status as yet.
Not yet a classic? You may be dead to me.
Not yet a classic? You may be dead to me.
Hey, I don't put just anybody up there with Krazy Kat and Pogo. They've got to earn it over a few years. My comic strip hall of fame standards are only exceeded by that of the LPGA.
because it merely intrigued me. It wasn't like when I first opened Kushiel's Dart and got pulled headfirst into the characters' world from the get-go. And really, of all the pleasures in reading, for me nothing beats being caught up in the characters' lives and swept along by their stories.
Whereas one of my problems with Kushiel is that I never all the way believed her. Also I'm drawn into fiction by world building*, and I find the banewreaker world more intriguing than Kushiels. A difference in tastes rather than in judgement.
- I maintain that all storytellers engage in worldbuilding.
I now have Get Fuzzy on my newspaper comics page! (and the creator is pretty.)
And pearls before swine and... I've forgotten a few. Hope I didn't lose Non Sequitur.