Most of the Aiken bibliographies online seem to focus on either the children's books or the romances/mysteries/Gothics, but not both. How frustrating. This one looks relatively complete. Huh. Too complete. Lists some alternate titles as an entirely separate books.
I haven't read The Whispering Mountain, but I'm told it runs in parallel with the first three or four Wolves books.
I got my financial aid money today, and am visiting my folks this weekend.
Why, isn't that just the PERFECT time to buy Deb's book and read it?!
I didn't even think of that. (blush))
Oh thank you Vortex. I feel much less stupid in your company.
Oh thank you Vortex. I feel much less stupid in your company.
anytime, milady. and thanks for the compliment :)
Thank you Micole!
I'm sure that you're right -- Arabel's Raven is definitely a story related to The Whispering Mountain.
Tee-hee. I, too, initially wondered what our Anne had said to warrant such venom.
Aimed at Anne Rice, just perfect. I sentence her to an entry-level, minimum wage typing job until I feel better towards her or she can fit her head through an ordinary doorway, whichever comes first.
I finished
Tell Me Lies
last week. I didn't like any of teh characters as much as I liked most characters in
Welcome to Temptation
, but I still enjoyed it.
Now I am reading
It is taking me a while to get into it. I need to get going, it is for book club and I only have a couple of weeks.
No, our Anne is both sensible and talented. And probably underpaid for her efforts, as opposed to Ms. Rice. It seems like once you have a 'name" you can slap together any kind of mess at all.