Or maybe that's what we're SUPPOSED to think
EXACTLY! Because what kind of a prince is HALF-BLOOD!!??!! I bet that Dobby was going to uncover something in
some kind of secret involving the Malfoy lineage, and that's what she was talking about when she said that some pieces of that story needed to be told later on!!
Man, I can bullshit like nobody's business.
If it adds a third dimension to Draco's character, I'm all for it.
Filch is a squib; I think that's where we learned about that.
And so is whatsherface. The old lady that lives across from the Dursleys. The one that testifies on Harry's behalf in OotP.
If it adds a third dimension to Draco's character, I'm all for it.
When did we get up to two?
With the horrid haircut in the third movie.
When he started sending love notes to Harry.
If it adds a third dimension to Draco's character, I'm all for it.
I'd settle for a second dimension.
Never has evil been so boring as in Rowlingsville.
I'd settle for him being evil, as opposed to just petty and mean and small.
But he's just in high school. Maybe it's too early for evil.
But he's just in high school. Maybe it's too early for evil.
Internet Discussion #303: Mean Girls In High School.