(I read one of his recently and reviewed it for Amazon saying that in future, I would avoid his work like it contained anthrax. I can be such a bitch. I signed my name proudly too. It seemed like What Deb G. Would Do.)
Man oh man, do I love my internet wife...
It's only true...I gave up on "Angels and Demons" at mid-point. Somebody with as many Bayliss tendencies as I have never does that. Ever. Because even if it sucks...I have to know Just How Much. Right?(And if it picked up, and I missed it? How stupid would I be? And that means of course that "Infinite Jest" will be the fifth...or sixth, I've lost count, party in our marriage.)
Not with that one. Mom paid a quarter. She should get her money back.
"Fuck. Long flight. Forgot book."
I'm a double nerd, because not only do I make a packing list when taking a flight anywhere, "BOOKS!!" is the first thing on the list.
Mine too. But I've not flown for a while...the last in-flight book was "A Secret History"(Liked it muchly. Was not All That.)
The last trip I took was five days, and I think I brought six books. And magazines.
I'm a double nerd, because not only do I make a packing list when taking a flight anywhere, "BOOKS!!" is the first thing on the list.
I hate carrying books. So I need to finish my outgoing book before I get on the flight back. And leave it there, wherever there is. And buy another one for the way back. And read borrowed books while I'm there.
I hate to think how many books I will be taking along on my honeymoon.
What? All I meant was, there will be a few long plane trips and train trips between cities. I read quickly, so many books need to be taken.
I usually take either one huge one (one time it was
A Problem from Hell: American and the Age of Genocide
- that got me left alone.
Blackhawk Down,
nsm. And I never even left the airport that time...) or several thin ones. Compilations of short stories or essays work well too. I get a little ADDish when I'm travelling.
I just got a huge box of new-to-me books from the parents. There's a theme happening. Read
Naked in Baghdad
the other night. And then there is
Bookseller of Kabul, Kite Runner
Storyteller's Daughter.
Don't remember if
Reading Lolita in Tehran
is in this shipment. Pretty sure
The Hemingway Book Club of Kosovo
I have plenty to choose from for the next trip.
I'm debating hauling either Gravity's Rainbow or Infinite Jest on the plane with me next week. On the one hand - both are very heavy books. On the other - 5.5 hour flight, both ways, direct. I'll need something to occupy my brain.