Shadows Over Baker Street, which is a Sherlock Holmes/H.P. Lovecraft cross-over.
I wanted it because it has stories by Neil Gaiman, Poppy Z. Brite, and Caitlin Kiernan. (My shameful confession? I've never read any Sherlock Holmes. Ever. I'll get around to it one of these days.)
Shadows Over Baker Street, which is a Sherlock Holmes/H.P. Lovecraft cross-over.
We picked this up for ourselves while Christmas shopping, but I haven't read it yet. I'm terribly behind on the whole reading thing.
(My shameful confession? I've never read any Sherlock Holmes. Ever. I'll get around to it one of these days.)
You should. Knowing what I do of your tastes, I suspect you'd enjoy them immensely. Particularly "Hound of the Baskervilles," which is cool and eerie and moody.
Also, while neither a book nor a gift, Thessaly and I picked up the "Illuminati" game the other day, which used to be one of my favorites and I've missed terribly. Game night, anyone?
(My shameful confession? I've never read any Sherlock Holmes. Ever. I'll get around to it one of these days.)
Butbutbutbutbut - the footprints of an enormous hound! Cocaine and violins! Short monographs! Irene Adler!
Victorian London fog!
the "Illuminati" game
Oh. my. stars and garters.
Based on the trilogy? Yes?
Based on the trilogy.
Victor, did you get the original game, or the reprint? And heck yeah, game night!
I tried to read her latest, Oryx and Crake, but I couldn't get into it.
It takes a while to grow on you but it's worth the struggle. I found the structure of O&C very similar to The Blind Assassin, with storylines from the present day and the past being melded together in opposing chapters.
Based on the trilogy.
A-Yup. Basically, you play an Illuminati, and you have to control various things, like the Republicans, or the Secret Masters of Fandom, or Trekkies, etc., in order to win. Except each Illuminati has a different goal. It's very fun. Especially when you end up with combinations like "The Moral Minority controlling Pornography controlling the Phone Company."
And of course, I love the book. For all its faults, it's a fun read.
Victor, did you get the original game, or the reprint? And heck yeah, game night!
It's the reprint, but I've gone through it and it's the original game with prettier pictures.
It's the reprint, but I've gone through it and it's the original game with prettier pictures.
Must own.
Many hours of my life spent between that and Car Wars, you see.
Just finished reading my mother's Da Vinci Code. It was ... well, it depends on how much crack he's on, really. A cursory web scan indicates "a fair amount." Is that true?
That was somewhat my feeling, too. Also, I liked the story, and I usually love those puzzle-type novels, but I just kept getting annoyed at his style. All those chapters ending with "Sophie knew that what she had seen would explain the answer, but she couldn't think about that now," or "Langdon knew that she'd understand once he told her the answer to her question, but that would have to wait for later" didn't create suspense, they just created aggravation. Well, for me, anyway. Also, all the times that the characters would have an entire clue, but the readers would just see part of it for a few chapters. And, I just got frustrated reading through pages and pages of
characters trying to work out clues that I'd already figured out, where there was really no action going on other than them going down dead ends.
I wanted something to happen, and it sometimes took awhile before it did.