think Marlowe's writing was better, but Wm. stole better plots + was more prolific.
Don't forget Wm. being a better spinmeister (Richard III) with a blatant disregard for actual historical fact (MacBeth).
(Waiting for Deb's rant on Richard.)
(I still love him, though.)
Believe that, despite taste being subjective, some books really are better than others on an objective level. However, my Western Canon != that of Howard Bloom
See, Plei, this is one of the many reasons why I love you.
with a blatant disregard for actual historical fact (MacBeth).
Please. Wm. doesn't owe shit to historical fact.
Wm. doesn't owe shit to historical fact.
Dude. I wasn't criticising, but it is fun to see what he does.
Dude. I wasn't criticising, but it is fun to see what he does.
Sorry - I didn't mean to sound so crabby about it. But histories were notoriously slippery back then anyway. But you're right - I love it when he's toadying up to the Powers That Be by rewriting history to flatter their ancestors.
I love it when he's toadying up to the Powers That Be by rewriting history to flatter their ancestors.
And then you go and say what I was trying to say. Thank yew. I do love it. It's a sick love, but there ya go.
It's a sick love, but there ya go.
Heh. Just today I was listening to that recording I have of Ian McKellen reciting the HoYayful Sonnett XX backed by a rock band sounding like the Velvet Underground. You really need to spend a weekend with Jen chatting up all the dark twisty corners of Wm. Shakespeare.
You really need to spend a weekend with Jen chatting up all the dark twisty corners of Wm. Shakespeare.
Yes please.
Edit: I'm reading a great book right now called _Looking for Sex in Shakespeare_ that has two delightful HoYay-heavy chapters, one about the Sonnets and another about hot boy-on-boy action in all the works.
Though I must also note the scatalogical genius of the comic Ed, The Happy Clown
Another great piece of anti-Reagan nostalgia there, even if the caricature looks nothing like him.
Playboy of the Western World. How can you not like Synge, Plei?
Well, that first part would be the main reason. I hate PotWW with a passion I normally reserve for cleaning the catbox or people who cut me off. I had an extremely adverse reaction to it when I had to read it.
Sort of like my feelings about Robert Frost. Though I did once write a Frost parody that worked rather well. Pity I don't know where I put it.
But histories were notoriously slippery back then anyway.
I apologize for my other notable ancestor's disregard for the truth. (Hollingshed, or however you spell it. Same branch as Bad Poetry Man.)