I don't remember where I saw it, but Rowling's put some FAQs up on her website--oh, People magazine, I think. No particular order and paraphrased.
She'd like people to stop calling Voldemort Voldie, it's disturbing.
No, Voldemort is not Harry's real father, please stop confusing the Potterverse with Star Wars, which people are obviously watching too much of.
No, she won't be writing the adventures of Harry's parents when she's done with the series. See above re: Star Wars.
No, Voldemort is not Harry's real father, please stop confusing the Potterverse with Star Wars, which people are obviously watching too much of.
He he he. Yesterday, I had the passing fancy of Snape being Harry's real father.
So help me gawd in the rerelease of the DVD's, if they go back and A) put Michael Gambon's face on Richard Harris' body or B) Have Draco hit first, I'll go apeshit.
Calling You Know Who "Voldie" is disturbing The Author? OK, then can we threaten JKR into editing and pruning #6 by saying we'll refer to Lord Voldemort as Oldie Van Voldie if she pulls an Anne Rice on us. I was so impatient with OotP. Nothing much happened for pages on end, except that Harry was angry. Fume, Harry, fume. It was like having an actual self pitying annoying teenager spewing angst in my living room.
I bobbed over to her site.
Is every book going to be bigger than the previous one?
No, definitely not, or book seven would be around the weight of a baby hippopotamus. According to the plan for book six, it will be quite a bit shorter than 'Order of the Phoenix'. I am not going to swear on my children's lives that that is going to be the case, but I am 99% certain of it.
JKR is deadly serious when she forbids people to call Voldemort 'Voldy'
Erm... I was joking. I thought it was very amusing when I found a chat room full of people calling him 'Voldy'. Maybe I should develop a secret symbol that means 'this is a joke', a kind of anti-Dark Mark? And incidentally... I wasn't really Squidward that day in the MuggleNet chat room, either. That's a SpongeBob SquarePants in-joke. I used a different name. So you can all stop logging on as Squidward now ;)
Nothing much happened for pages on end, except that Harry was angry.
Wait -- did we also find out that his father had been an ass? I think we're up to three pages, tops, and that's only if we stop by to see how Hagrid is.
The most popular boy in school was an ass??
That's unheard of!!
Wait -- did we also find out that his father had been an ass?
Yeah, and there was one of those wacky prophecies that told us what we already knew.
That's right, it came to light that Harry's father wasn't consistently the nicest kid on his corridor. I could re-read it, I suppose, but it seems so daunting when I have so many other books in queue.
I started rereading OotP two nights ago, mostly because I forgot what happened. After the first three chapters, I was all oh, shoot, this is the one where Harry pisses and moans for a gazillion pages, hangs out at the Ministry for his trial, and Dumbledore ignores him for the whole book and then it was oh no, Hagrid goes to the giants in this one, mebbe I can skip that chapter and finally dammit, that stupid headmistress is in this one, why am I rereading this?? I'm going to persevere, but I'm not quite sure why I'm bothering.
Edited 'cause I hate typos.