I got a Snicket trailer -- it was the first of 7 or 8 -- and as soon as it started, I knew what the movie was. I was by myself (though the theatre was decently full), and I clapped my hands and said "Oh, yay!"
Nobody actually switched seats to be further away from me, but I could see them thinking it.
I just finished reading Lemony Snicket's Unauthorized Autobiography, and I find myself more and more annoyed, (which here means sick and tired of all the useless hints and and frustrating clues and pointless digressions but unable to stop reading the damn books despite all that), but the movie trailer did look kind of cool.
But WOLP takes place almost entirely within the BookWorld, and it seems like it's just one wacky idea after another without much attempt to put them together coherently .
Huh. That would have been my description of the first.
I have no idea why I don't like the Snicket books. They seem custom-designed for me, but I just can't read them. It's like trying to read the journal ramblings of a mental patient.
Also, I took another run at HP:OotP last night and today, and am very much hoping that the long delay for Book 6 has been caused by a team of highly-trained elite editors, who parachuted into the manuscript and began laying about with weed-whackers.
It would be really nice, if in the next HP book, SOMETHING HAPPENED. In the last one, a year passed. That's about the long and short of it.
In the last one, a year passed. That's about the long and short of it.
You know, ita, I was wondering about that. We were discussing Book 4, and then I tried to think of what actually happened in Book 5, and I couldn't think of much.
Hey now, there was some surly and pissiness in there.
And Fred and George started their shop.
And then some surly and pissiness.
And then, the end.
Hey now, there was some surly and pissiness in there.
Oooh yeah. That was the "I want to punch Harry" book.
You know, that's true, ita. I just thought it was me. And I read them all in a big chunk...so it sort of seemed like stuff happened. But in retrospect, nsm.
Sirius dying, after being turned into a complete asshead who we weren't at all sorry to see go.
But mostly there was TEEN! ANGST!