People kept telling me to read Lestat. Problem is, by the time I was halfway through Interview, I so cordially disliked the woman's style and prose that the idea of reading more of her made me want to eat my own head.
A year or so later, succumbing to my normally sane sister's bullying, I read The feast of All Saints. Since the first thing I remember actually happening in the damned thing was a particularly brutal rape along around page three hundred and something? I seriously thought about eating my sister's head.
I have never yet felt moved to try her again. She's like boring molasses. And for heaven's sake, the woman writes boring porn. If that isn't illegal, it ought to be.
I actually like The Vampire Lestat and Queen of the Dammed better than Interview.
I like the voice in Lestat and the backstory in Queen, but I think Interview is the best overall.
No surprise...I'm with Deb here.
And seeing her interviewed made the hate So. Much. Worse.
Cause she's all "I'm a writer...dig me being deep and mysterious." Ugh.
I read this! I'm pretty sure I read this...does it have two guys on the front cover? I got so excited when I saw this, I was all "Gay Vampire Snuff Porn in the library!"
And then I read it.
Yes, that's the one! And yes, it's ever so much a Dracula Sue.
I've read huge quantities of Anne Rice and everything Laurel K. Hamilton's published. Not that I'm necessarily proud of this (although both had their entertaining points or I wouldn't have kept on), I'm just saying my willingness to get through a book in search of gay porn shouldn't be underestimated. Bound in Blood? I think I made it through 20 pages.
Oooo, are we mocking Laurell K. Hamilton? I sent all the ones I have/had to Deena when I realized I could no longer stand to read one through all the way anymore--except "Obsidian Butterfly," and that's more for Edward than anything else.
I really liked LKH when she started out -- lots of nitpicks, but Anita was lots of fun.
Now I still read her, but mainly so I can come here and snark companionably with y'all about the latest book.
There hasn't been a new Anita Blake in a bit, has there? She's doing the Mary/Merry something series?
There's a new Anita book (number 12) coming out in October, Incubus Dreams. I'll read it. I want to know what happens next, but yeah, the series has really gone down hill. The last was really just annoyed me. Too political I think and just too much of the same old crap. I really don't like that Anita seems to be alienating herself from all her human friends/co-workers. It's uncool.