Faulkner Fox is a cool name.
I'm trying to find books we know and love in translation, to practice reading in other languages. Any idea how to harness the power of the Internet to do this? Often when I'm travelling I will pick up The Hobbit in Spanish, or Dune in Romanian, etc. But I'd like to find books in Greek this year, before we go to Greece. Children's books would be best. (In fact, The Hobbit would be great.)
I've found Cat in the Hat, Winnie the Pooh, and Harry Potter in Latin, but no luck with modern Greek.
So Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy is being turned into a two-play production at the British National Theatre. And the British Christian community is upset.
I shudder to think of what would happen in the instance of a federally-funded production in the US. Mapplethorpe comes to mind. Again.
I'm afraid that all the "gasp how dare you we're so threatened bad! bad!" crap from the High and Mighty is doing is making me yearn to see the stage show.
So Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy is being turned into a two-play production at the British National Theatre.
Weren't there rumors a little while ago about New Line doing a three movie-thingy with His Dark Materials?
My visting sister just read Weaver. She is glad the charactors are continueing.
Congrats, Deb! What a nice review.
Lead review, Sunday paper, and a rave, but David Fusilli, no less.
I am a happy, happy woman.
Did anyone get any books for christmas? I got a lot of buffy related books like "Slayer Slang" and "BTVS and Philosophy". My sister also got me "The Wisdom of War" by Christopher Golden.
I fear future Christmases will not be so buffy plentiful.