The other reaction I'm having, though, is that Zoe Trope seems awfully over-wrought and pretentious. And I'm trying to remember if that's what high school was like for me. I think it was, and I respect that as part of growing up, but as a 32-year-old, it's kind of irritating to read.
I cannot agree more here. I read it and was so off-put by the whole book that I wanted to just shake her and say, "GROW UP." But then again, she's doing what you do at that age.
Oh, my. Who was present? I'm a r'ville regular, but not in the YA topics.
I can't remember. It was probably six months ago. I meant to mention it at the time, and then promptly forgot. Cause my brain, she is a seive.
Revisiting the kids' books theme from last week, I went out this week to buy books as gifts. For a 10 year old boy, I got the Westing Game, Silent to the Bone, and the first book in the Dark Is Rising series. For an 8 year old girl I got Harriet the Spy, Ballet Shoes, and Ella Enchanted. I hope they like them (I don't know these kids at all, just their ages). I'm really excited about the books!
HA! Deb, they have Plainsong, Eyes in the Fire, Fire Queen AND they have Weaver on order !
WEIRDNESS: PLainsong is at PArk University, as a children's book. How bizarre.
Is it a children's book, Deb? Hmm?
Is it a children's book, Deb? Hmm?
I don't think so (as in I've read it and don't think it's for children), but wasn't someone saying that there was another Plainsong that was a children's book?
ETA: seconds behind! Seconds!
Ooh! I out-Nillyed Vortex.
Ooh! I out-Nillyed Vortex.
I think you could probably out-Vortex Nilly too, if you had a mind.
But then I'd feel bad.
Yeah. Sort of like, "I could totally kick Nelson Mandela's ass."
Actually the Haruf-Plainsong is also not really a kid's book at all. It's about a 17-year-old girl who is pregnant and stumbles into two bachelor brothers' lives.
It is similar to another book that is YA, but not children's set in Winnipeg (Confessions of a Heartless Girl) which is similar in it's sparseness and it's plot and it's sort of melodic prose.
Haruf's Plainsong is great to be teamed with Peace Like A River in that they are both so Plains-States in the best way possible.
It's a really amazing book but not for meant or written for children.